Totally how many languages are in the world

The exact number of languages spoken in the world is difficult to determine due to variations, dialects, and the ever-evolving nature of languages. However, it is estimated that there are approximately 7,139 living languages in the world. These languages are spread across different regions and belong to various language families. It’s important to note that the distribution of languages is not uniform, with some languages having significantly more speakers than others. For example, languages like Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, and Arabic have a large number of speakers, while many other languages have relatively fewer speakers and are considered endangered. Additionally, languages are constantly evolving and can undergo changes, dialectal variations, or even become extinct over time. Therefore, the number of languages in the world can change as languages evolve and as our understanding of them improves through linguistic research.The exact number of languages spoken in the world is difficult to determine due to variations, dialects, and the ever-evolving nature of languages. However, it is estimated that there are approximately 7,139 living languages in the world. These languages are spread across different regions and belong to various language families. Additionally, languages are constantly evolving and can undergo changes, dialectal variations, or even become extinct over time. Therefore, the number of languages in the world can change as languages evolve and as our understanding of them improves through linguistic research.