Who invented the English grammar?

English grammar, like the grammar of any language, wasn’t “invented” by a single person. Instead, it evolved over time through the use of the English language. The development of English grammar has a long history, and it has been influenced by various factors, including the merging of Old English with Old Norse after the Viking Invasions, the Norman Conquest in 1066, and interactions with other languages through trade, exploration, and colonialism.

The first written records of English date back to the Old English period (approximately 450-1150 AD), and during this time, the language was heavily influenced by Germanic languages. Old English had its own grammatical rules and structures.

The grammar of Middle English (1150-1500) evolved as the language incorporated Norman French and Latin influences, leading to changes in vocabulary, word order, and grammar.

It was only in the early modern period that efforts were made to standardize and codify English grammar. One significant figure in the history of English grammar is Samuel Johnson, who published “A Dictionary of the English Language” in 1755. While this work focused on vocabulary and definitions, it had an impact on the understanding and study of English grammar.

Modern English grammar as we know it today has been influenced by the work of many linguists and grammarians, including Otto Jespersen, Leonard Bloomfield, and Noam Chomsky, who made significant contributions to the formal study of English grammar.

In summary, English grammar wasn’t invented by a single individual; it evolved organically over centuries and has been shaped by various linguistic, historical, and cultural influences.